An Evening Gathering for Women on Breast Health
(based on the ‘Healthy Breast Foundations Program’ by Sat Dharam Kaur. N.D.)
Led by Dr. Tory Jackson ND
A conversation on breast health, evaluating our risk factors and integrating protective strategies.
Listen, share and meet others who are making conscious choices to improve breast and overall health.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 10th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
WHERE: Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre, Suite 414, 4935 40 Ave NW
COST: $20 (Includes alcohol-free libations and exciting edibles)
Call the clinic to register: 403-247-4646
TOPIC: Improve our Immunity for Maximum Health
Speaker: Dr. Jatish Kaler
Location: Planet Organic Superstore, #100, 4916-130th Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 0G4
Date and Time: Wednesday, November 8th at 6:30pm
WEBINAR for Naturopathic Doctors and Health Care Professionals
Topic: Healthy Body, Healthy Gut: Healing the Gut with Biological Medicine
Date: Tues, Dec 5, 2018
Time: 5 pm MST / 4 pm PST / 7 pm EST
Speaker: Dr. Melina Roberts, ND
Provide the foundation for achieving optimal intestinal health for your patients!
A healthy gut leads to a healthy body. Biological medicine recognizes that an impaired intestinal system and leaky gut has a direct impact on our body’s ability to regulate. This affects the enteric nervous system, leading to hormonal and neurotransmitter dysfunction, the inflammation cascade, a weakened immune system and ultimately a deterioration of health towards chronic disease. A healthy gut and balanced intestinal flora will lead to proper digestion and a strong immune system for optimal health and recovery from chronic disease and illness.
Join Dr. Melina Roberts, ND to learn how to effectively rebuild a healthy intestinal system. This will increase success in cases of GI symptoms, leaky gut, dysbiosis/candidiasis, allergies, chronic infections, inflammation, fatigue, immune & respiratory conditions, sinusitis, skin conditions, metabolic disorders, malignancy, joint disorders, and childhood illness (allergies, asthma, eczema). Dr. Roberts will discusses effective strategies to assess a disturbed gut and milieu (terrain) and highlight the most current treatment options that are focused on achieving balanced regulation and enhanced gut function.
This webinar is will provide practical applications and clinical pearls using techniques for a healthy gut based on guidelines from Dr. Melina Roberts, ND, Dr. Thomas Rau, MD and the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What do Dr. Melina Roberts, Dr. Thomas Rau and the Paracelsus Clinic have in common?
- Why the Biological Medicine approach to gut healing is so effective
- Connecting an unhealthy gut to chronic disease?
- The childhood illness connection (including allergies, asthma, eczema)
- Beyond the obvious, what are the signs and how to assess a disturbed gut?
- What does it really take to successfully rebuild a healthy intestinal system?
- An effective intestinal rebuilding protocol
- Introduction to the Sanum Intestinal Kit
Natural Immune Boosting Shot
Boost your immune system naturally with this homeopathic and vitamin injection.
- It protects against all different strains of viruses
- It boosts the immune system
- It is safe and effective with no side effects or harmful additives
Book your appointment TODAY!!
Published Article
Dr. Roberts has a featured article in Amber Approved Magazine Fall 2017 edition entitled Heavy Metal Toxicity.
Featured Article
A few months ago, I posted an overview of the importance of breast health for women of all ages. To acknowledge October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let’s work together to optimize our breast health and reduce the risk of a breast cancer diagnosis or recurrence.
Here are some steps to promote your own Breast Health Plan:
- Start with a Breast Health Seminar! See our website for the dates of our evening gatherings.
- Set a regular appointment once a year for your ND to:
- Perform a CBE (clinical breast exam by your ND)
- Review your monthly BSE (breast self examination) technique
- Provide dietary guidance, supportive lifestyle suggestions and a safe and individualized supplement plan
3. Annual Hormone Testing – what exactly are your hormone levels? Let’s balance hormones, optimize the protective metabolites while reducing the risk promoting ones. A dried urine test for Estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA, Testosterone and Cortisol plus additional metabolites is well worth the investment.
4. Annual Thermography Imaging- there is valid evidence that whole-body thermography picks up physiological and metabolic changes to breast (and other body tissues) prior to disease and tumor formation. This screening tool does not detect tumors, as can mammography and ultrasound. Further details regarding frequency of mammography and ultrasound imaging can be discussed on a case-by-case basis with your ND depending on your risk factors.
5. The top 12 Breast Health Interventions – come to one of our evening ‘Breast Health’ seminars so we can gather as a group of women, discuss these interventions and learn from each other (yes, this is step number 1, but I really want you to join us!)
See you soon,
Dr. Tory Jackson
Just an added note for this month……
One planet, one people.
This past month, North America has witnessed some devastating natural disasters- earthquakes, flooding, hurricanes and fires.
We watch the amazing grace of people working together regardless of race, religion and personal beliefs whether it’s through the act of rescuing, offering support to the effort or through donations to help recovery.
The precious gift of giving opens our heart where we catch a glimpse of our innate goodness. Through unconditional, selfless giving we feel connected and purposeful. Never underestimate the healing power of friendship, compassion, volunteering, spontaneous acts of kindness and unconditional love. These are the enduring values that define us as human as we undertake our own healing journeys.
It’s comforting to know the strongest force of nature is love.
In Health,
Dr. Tory Jackson
Featured Recipe
Almond Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
Contributed by a wonderful patient who is feeding her body healthy, delicious, nutritious food!!