April 2016 Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 7th, 2016, 5pm (MST)
The European Biological Medicine approach views the body as a dynamic system, with regulatory systems in place for restoration, regeneration, adaptation and self-healing. Within this framework, malignancy can be understood as a process within the body, with tumours being the end result of an internal cancer process.
Join Dr. Melina Roberts to learn about her unique approach to addressing disease processes. She will outline the key components that lead to dysregulation within the body and an environment for the cancer process to occur. Drawing from her clinical experience, Dr. Roberts will review effective testing methods and treatment options to improve organ function and detoxification pathways, balance acid-base and the milieu/terrain, support regulatory systems and a strong immune system and ultimately reverse and/or prevent the cancer process within the body.
Practical discussion for:
- What is Biological Medicine?
- The cancer process within the body
- Key aspects to prevent/address the cancer process
- Effective testing techniques
- Successful therapy options
- Cancer prevention
DATE: Thursday, April 21st
LOCATION: Silver Springs Golf and Country Club, 1600 Varsity Estates Dr. NW, Calgary, AB
TIME: 7:00pm
Join Dr. Roberts at a FREE SCREENING of the newly released Canadian debut Documentary Film: EVIDENCE OF HARM
A documentary exposing the devastating effects of heavy metal toxicity on individuals and the environment.
Enjoy remarks and ask questions of Dr. Roberts and her Partners in health and wellness. Bring a friend!
Contributing Author
5 Tips to Take Control of Your Seasonal Allergies in Amber Approved Magazine Mar/Apr 2016
Featured Recipe
Curry Quinoa Walnut Pecan Salad
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