What is the Problem with Underwire Bras?

Let’s talk about underwire bras. The other day I had a patient come into my office and she said ‘I just learned I shouldn’t be wearing underwire bras’. I responded with, I’ve known that information for a number of years and I haven’t worn [...]

What is the Problem with Underwire Bras?2023-06-26T03:18:21+00:00

What is the Glymphatic System?

Do you know what the glymphatic system is? The glymphatic system is the glial-lymphatic system. It was discovered in 2013. They’ve discovered that the fluids that go throughout our central nervous system, the brain and the spine, called our cerebral spinal fluid. There are [...]

What is the Glymphatic System?2023-03-13T01:56:49+00:00

Drainage VS Detoxification

I want to talk about the difference between drainage and detoxification. A lot of people talk about detoxification, but I think that what often is missing in the benefits of detoxification is actually adding in something called drainage. What can happen is we can [...]

Drainage VS Detoxification2022-11-21T03:55:50+00:00

SIX Tactics to Activate the Deep Lymphatics

Lymphatic system helps to clean up your tissues and moves toxic loads out of the body. The reason we want to stimulate the deep lymphatics is because the deep lymphatics drain all of your deep vital organs. You have your superficial lymphatic system that [...]

SIX Tactics to Activate the Deep Lymphatics2022-09-11T21:30:28+00:00

PEMF Therapy

Let’s talk about PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy. This therapy has been equated to hooking all of your cells up to jumper cable and jump starting the cellular energy in all of our cells. All of our cells are like little capacitors, they hold [...]

PEMF Therapy2021-10-25T01:49:03+00:00

FLOWpresso Therapy

I’m excited to introduce a new therapy we have at our clinic called FLOWpresso. FLOWpresso helps the body to regain balance, restore health and help to shift the body into a better state of health. FLOWpresso helps to improve lymphatic drainage. This is such [...]

FLOWpresso Therapy2021-09-03T15:38:02+00:00

Gut-Brain Connection

Some of us know that gut-brain connection, when we are stressed and feel those butterflies in our stomach. There are physical and biochemical connections between the brain and the gut. Lymphatic system: There is a direct connection between the gut and brain through the [...]

Gut-Brain Connection2021-09-03T15:24:36+00:00

Intestinal Hyperpermeability

What is Intestinal Hyperpermeability? What is Metabolic Endotoxemia? What is Bacterial Translocation? What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Do all of these terms really just mean the same thing? What all these terms mean is that the one cell deep lining of our digestive tract [...]

Intestinal Hyperpermeability2021-09-03T15:27:50+00:00

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has been around for over 125 years and there are over 6000 published studies that show that ozone therapy is effective and safe for a number of different health issues. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms attached together. The air that [...]

Ozone Therapy2021-09-03T15:29:12+00:00

Hydration and The Immune System

What is the connection between hydration and the immune system? Seventy percent of our body is water. We want to support our body with clean, filtered water. We want to be drinking enough water to replenish our water stores within the body. Many of [...]

Hydration and The Immune System2021-09-03T15:36:20+00:00
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