
FIVE Signs of Kidney Imbalance

FLUID CONTROL ISSUES: Fluid retention, Edema, Swollen feet or ankles or face, puffy eyes URINATION ISSUES: Change in urination – appearance or frequency – urination is difficult, blood in urine, urgent need to urinate, less or more frequent, lighter or darker in colour, foamy [...]

FIVE Signs of Kidney Imbalance2018-07-31T02:26:31+00:00

FOUR Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid

Most sunscreens are filled with toxic chemicals that get absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause various health issues in the body, including cancer. Some of the most problematic chemicals are: Oxybenzone which absorbs UV light but is a hormone disruptor and causes cell [...]

FOUR Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid2018-03-26T07:18:30+00:00

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance

If the liver is not functioning at its best then toxins are accumulating in different tissues in the body. DIGESTIVE ISSUES: abdominal bloating GALLBLADDER ISSUES: trouble digesting fatty foods SKIN ISSUES: acne, rosacea, itchy or blotchy skin, liver spots HORMONAL ISSUES: increase abdominal fat, [...]

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance2018-03-19T03:59:07+00:00

D-Spot Test

Understanding Vitamin D and Testing for Healthy Levels: BY: DR. JATISH KALER With the shortened fall days and long winter months ahead, it’s time we all consider our Vitamin D levels and how best to supplement with the “sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D: The Sunshine [...]

D-Spot Test2018-03-13T17:36:48+00:00

FOUR Signs of Poor Liver Function

The liver is one of your body’s primary organs of detoxification. Anything that comes into the body is filtered by the liver. It is vitally important that the liver is functioning well to ensure that unwanted substances are effectively moving out of the body.   [...]

FOUR Signs of Poor Liver Function2018-03-14T09:08:26+00:00

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine

I often get asked “why I became an Naturopathic Doctor”, so here’s my answer. I had a few different influences that led me to this path. One major influence was my personal experience with naturopathic medicine. As a child I had lots of allergies and [...]

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine2018-03-14T09:08:45+00:00

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important

We are made up of 70% water.  Therefore it is vitally important that we are drinking water all day, everyday, to replenish our body with fresh, clean water.  Water plays a key role in digestion, cellular metabolism, detoxifying and alkalinizing the body. Many people have [...]

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important2018-03-14T09:08:49+00:00

FIVE Ways to Take Care of Your Skin

Many of us believe that the way to take care of our skin is to stay away from the sun. We’ve been conditioned to think that too much sun will increase our risk of skin cancer. So we wear sunscreen, cover up or avoid going [...]

FIVE Ways to Take Care of Your Skin2018-03-14T09:08:59+00:00

FOUR Benefits of Infrared Sauna

This sauna is different from a conventional sauna which provides ambient heat and only heats the air, this sauna provides radiant heat which warms the object directly, which is your body.  This provides deep, penetrating heat, pulling toxins from subcutaneous fat storage directly into the [...]

FOUR Benefits of Infrared Sauna2018-03-14T07:39:45+00:00
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