PEMF Therapy

Let’s talk about PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy. This therapy has been equated to hooking all of your cells up to jumper cable and jump starting the cellular energy in all of our cells. All of our cells are like little capacitors, they hold [...]

PEMF Therapy2021-10-25T01:49:03+00:00

Stress Response Programming and Developing Microbiome

What is the connection between stress response system and the early colonization of the microbiome? This is an interesting connection. As a clinician, I find it interesting to see how different people respond to stress in different ways and this can be explained by [...]

Stress Response Programming and Developing Microbiome2021-09-03T15:24:13+00:00

Gut-Brain Connection

Some of us know that gut-brain connection, when we are stressed and feel those butterflies in our stomach. There are physical and biochemical connections between the brain and the gut. Lymphatic system: There is a direct connection between the gut and brain through the [...]

Gut-Brain Connection2021-09-03T15:24:36+00:00

THREE Ways to Improve Our Electrical Conductivity

Our bodies are these electrical systems. In order for our bodies to function optimally, that electricity needs to flow freely throughout the body, in order to communicate to all the cells of our body. Here are THREE Ways to Improve our Electrical Conductivity: Stay [...]

THREE Ways to Improve Our Electrical Conductivity2021-09-03T15:27:35+00:00

FOUR Benefits of Fasting

FOUR Benefits of Fasting Helps with weight loss - Boost metabolism, Balances insulin levels, Lipolysis (fat-burning) Neurological benefits – promotes the growth of neurons, enhances memory performance, improves cognitive function Boost the immune system – regenerates the immune system, boosts production of white blood [...]

FOUR Benefits of Fasting2019-07-29T03:05:39+00:00

Why is Fat Metabolism Important?

Why is fat metabolism important? Fats are part of every cell membrane Integral part of the nervous system and brain Fats are needed to proper hormonal balance Needed to inflammatory responses Cell to cell communication ALSO: fat is optimal fuel for humans [...]

Why is Fat Metabolism Important?2019-05-27T03:41:57+00:00

FIVE Signs of Serotonin Deficiency

Serotonin is one of the inhibitory neurotransmitters that balances the excitatory neurotransmitter like dopamine. Adequate serotonin in the brain and proper function leads to positive, happy, confident, easygoing feelings. Low levels of serotonin leads to negative, obsessive, worried, irritable, sleepless or depressed. Depression, negative [...]

FIVE Signs of Serotonin Deficiency2019-04-22T14:04:36+00:00

SIX Neurotoxins to Avoid

Neurotoxins are environmental toxins that breakdown neural cells, they are poisons to the nervous system, therefore we have to try to avoid them. Here are SIX Neurotoxins to Avoid: Aspartame in diet drinks and chewing gum Diacetyl in microwave popcorn, it is the butter [...]

SIX Neurotoxins to Avoid2018-10-08T17:26:52+00:00

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals

One major stressor on the body can be heavy metals. In our modern world, our environment, food, and water regularly expose us to these toxic metals which, over time, accumulate in our bodies and negatively impact normal cellular function. Heavy metal toxicity is an [...]

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals2018-06-18T04:16:47+00:00
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