UBI-Ozone IV Therapy

Let’s talk about UBI-Ozone IV therapy. We often pair these therapies together because it works so well together. Let’s go through the benefits of pairing these oxidative therapies together. This therapy helps to balance the immune system. In autoimmune conditions it helps to quiet [...]

UBI-Ozone IV Therapy2023-11-11T18:12:47+00:00

What is the Problem with Underwire Bras?

Let’s talk about underwire bras. The other day I had a patient come into my office and she said ‘I just learned I shouldn’t be wearing underwire bras’. I responded with, I’ve known that information for a number of years and I haven’t worn [...]

What is the Problem with Underwire Bras?2023-06-26T03:18:21+00:00

What is the Problem with Blue Light?

We’ve been hearing a lot more about blue light and I want to talk about, first of all, what is blue light? We get expose to blue light from the sun, from technology including TV, computers, laptops, tablets, phones, also from fluorescent lights, and [...]

What is the Problem with Blue Light?2023-04-24T02:21:00+00:00

What is the Glymphatic System?

Do you know what the glymphatic system is? The glymphatic system is the glial-lymphatic system. It was discovered in 2013. They’ve discovered that the fluids that go throughout our central nervous system, the brain and the spine, called our cerebral spinal fluid. There are [...]

What is the Glymphatic System?2023-03-13T01:56:49+00:00

THREE Components that can Activate Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is when the body attacks itself. It is when the body has a difficult time deciphering self from non-self. There are a number of different autoimmune conditions including allergies, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, lupus, multiple [...]

THREE Components that can Activate Autoimmune Disease2023-01-24T02:45:20+00:00

Assessing How Well the Immune System is Functioning

How can we assess the quality of your immune system? In our practice, one of the ways we can actually assess the quality of the immune system is through a test that we do within our clinic called Darkfield Microscopy. Darkfield Microscopy involves a [...]

Assessing How Well the Immune System is Functioning2023-01-09T03:58:44+00:00

Serotonin and Gut Health

Let’s talk about the connection between serotonin and gut health! Once you get into the science of it, you can see the connection between the gut and the brain and it is very fascinating information. Embedded into the lining of the digestive tract are [...]

Serotonin and Gut Health2022-12-12T03:23:23+00:00

BDNF and Psychobiotics

Let’s talk about the connection between BDNF and psychobiotics! BDNF is brain derived neurotrophic factor and it is considered the miracle grow of brain tissues because its helping to promote the growth and development of new neurons in the brain and it is also [...]

BDNF and Psychobiotics2022-10-11T01:41:43+00:00

SIX Tactics to Activate the Deep Lymphatics

Lymphatic system helps to clean up your tissues and moves toxic loads out of the body. The reason we want to stimulate the deep lymphatics is because the deep lymphatics drain all of your deep vital organs. You have your superficial lymphatic system that [...]

SIX Tactics to Activate the Deep Lymphatics2022-09-11T21:30:28+00:00

Mycotoxin Urine Testing

Let’s talk about Mycotoxin Urine testing. Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are produced by mold. Mold exposure is quickly becoming one of the major causes of chronic disease. This can be exposure from your home, your workplace, your vehicle. We also know that people [...]

Mycotoxin Urine Testing2022-08-08T00:38:00+00:00
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