Fasting and Chemotherapy

What is the connection between chemotherapy and fasting? A number of my patients receive both the convention approach to cancer and the naturopathic approach, so that we can support a person’s body as they go through chemotherapy.  One of the tactics that we can [...]

Fasting and Chemotherapy2021-09-21T03:37:43+00:00

Hidden Places You May Find Industrial Oils

Hidden places for Industrial Oils….even when you think you are eating health!! Here are some hidden places that you can find industrial oils. Industrial oils are the oils that cause inflammation in the body and we shouldn’t be consuming. There are hidden places we [...]

Hidden Places You May Find Industrial Oils2021-09-03T02:36:58+00:00

Are GRAINS healthy?

Seven thousand years ago in ancient Egypt there were northern Egyptians and southern Egyptians who were essentially genetically similar. The northerners began farming and agriculture and lived off a diet mainly consisted of grain. The southerners were hunter-gatherers, having a traditional diet living off [...]

Are GRAINS healthy?2021-09-03T15:40:41+00:00

What is Insulin Resistance

Let’s start with what insulin is. Insulin is a hormone that is released from the pancreas due to the presence of glucose or sugar in the blood. On our cell membranes are insulin receptors. So insulin will go into these insulin receptors, like a [...]

What is Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:41:07+00:00

Reverse Toxicity of Glyphosate

I want to share with you a study that I came across that reverses the toxicity of glyphosate. Glyphosate is a herbicide that is sprayed on our crops and when we consume this herbicide it kills off some of our healthy microbes in our [...]

Reverse Toxicity of Glyphosate2021-09-03T15:41:40+00:00

Gut-Brain Connection

Some of us know that gut-brain connection, when we are stressed and feel those butterflies in our stomach. There are physical and biochemical connections between the brain and the gut. Lymphatic system: There is a direct connection between the gut and brain through the [...]

Gut-Brain Connection2021-09-03T15:24:36+00:00

Intestinal Hyperpermeability

What is Intestinal Hyperpermeability? What is Metabolic Endotoxemia? What is Bacterial Translocation? What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Do all of these terms really just mean the same thing? What all these terms mean is that the one cell deep lining of our digestive tract [...]

Intestinal Hyperpermeability2021-09-03T15:27:50+00:00

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms

Biofilms are a collection or community of different types of microorganisms that form together into a slimy, gluey consistency that will adhere to liquidy surface such as mucous membranes of the digestive tract. These biofilms will adhere to the lining of the digestive tract [...]

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms2021-09-03T15:28:59+00:00

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has been around for over 125 years and there are over 6000 published studies that show that ozone therapy is effective and safe for a number of different health issues. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms attached together. The air that [...]

Ozone Therapy2021-09-03T15:29:12+00:00

TWO Approaches to Probiotics

Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria. They are used to repopulate the healthy bacteria in your microbiome. There are two different approaches to taking probiotics. Seeding: providing the healthy bacteria to re-seed the microbiome with good, healthy bacteria. Setting up an Environment for healthy [...]

TWO Approaches to Probiotics2021-09-03T15:29:33+00:00
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