FIVE Tactics to Improve Insulin Resistance

First of all, what is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when our cells’ insulin receptors are not sensitive to insulin that is released from the pancreas in response to glucose or sugar, then they cannot allow glucose into the cells to make ATP or [...]

FIVE Tactics to Improve Insulin Resistance2021-09-13T01:06:35+00:00


The ALCAT Food Sensitivity test is different than any other food sensitivity test on the market, as it is measuring the leukocyte cellular reactivity in the whole blood. It’s looking at all of the white blood cell pathways and seeing how a person’s system [...]

ALCAT Test2021-09-03T03:04:46+00:00

Grains and Cancer

What is the connection between grains and cancer? What we know about cancer cells is that they love to feed on sugar and sugar can increase the growth of cancer cells. Grains turn to sugars rapidly in the body. All grains, even healthier grains, [...]

Grains and Cancer2021-09-03T02:34:36+00:00

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths

What is the connection between grains and fungal overgrowths? When we consume grains they down into sugars rapidly. As soon as we consume grains, we have an increase in blood sugars. Within our digestive tract we have an ecosystem of fungi and bacteria that [...]

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths2021-09-03T02:35:18+00:00

Grains and Insulin Resistance

What is the connection between grains and insulin resistance? Insulin resistance means that the hormone insulin, when it is in the insulin receptor sites on the cell membranes, that they cannot easily allow the glucose or sugar to move into the cells to make [...]

Grains and Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:38:30+00:00

Why you may be ADDICTED to GLUTEN

I want to talk about the addictive component of gluten and why you may be addicted to gluten. When patients come into my clinic, one of my first recommendations is that they avoid gluten. There are a number of different problems with gluten, but [...]

Why you may be ADDICTED to GLUTEN2021-09-03T15:40:10+00:00

Are GRAINS healthy?

Seven thousand years ago in ancient Egypt there were northern Egyptians and southern Egyptians who were essentially genetically similar. The northerners began farming and agriculture and lived off a diet mainly consisted of grain. The southerners were hunter-gatherers, having a traditional diet living off [...]

Are GRAINS healthy?2021-09-03T15:40:41+00:00

What are Oxalates?

Oxalates are a compound within plants, which are the plants natural defense mechanism and these help to protect plants from predators such as animals, insects, fungi. The challenge with these oxalates is that they bind to calcium in the blood and then they form [...]

What are Oxalates?2020-01-13T04:14:16+00:00
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