
THREE Problems with Peanuts

Three Problems with peanuts and possibly the increase in anaphylactic peanut allergies. 1. Most peanuts have been genetically modifications, which means it has been changed and altered, which makes them difficult for our bodies to recognize and properly metabolize and utilize. 2. Peanuts are prone [...]

THREE Problems with Peanuts2018-03-14T09:52:09+00:00

Our Approach to Healing the Digestive Tract

There are many people with digestive tract issues. Our digestion is essential to good health. Decrease the Inflammation – “putting out the fire”. We need to decrease the major inflammatory foods and toxic load. We need to put out the fire before we can do [...]

Our Approach to Healing the Digestive Tract2018-03-14T09:53:49+00:00

Cow’s Dairy and Bone Health

Is cow’s dairy important for bone health? The western world is the highest consumer of cows dairy and has the highest rates of osteoporosis. Body needs to maintain its pH in a very tight range. When we are consuming more acidic foods, such as wheat, [...]

Cow’s Dairy and Bone Health2018-03-14T09:54:02+00:00

SIX Stressors on the Body

There are six stresses on the body that can lead to dysfunction of certain organs or systems of the body.  If dysfunction continues over a period of time, this can lead to disease processes in the body.  The truth is that most disease processes are [...]

SIX Stressors on the Body2018-03-14T09:54:08+00:00

FIVE Ways to Build your Immune System

When it comes to colds and flus, our first instinct is to blame the people around us for getting us sick. We blame the kids at school, our co-worker who came to work sick, the person sneezing beside you on the train, but the truth [...]

FIVE Ways to Build your Immune System2018-03-14T09:54:11+00:00

FIVE Calcium Rich Foods

When I recommend that patients avoid cow’s dairy in their diet, one of the most common questions I get asked is “how will I get my calcium?” The most bioavailable, how much our body absorbs of that nutrient, forms of calcium are from food sources [...]

FIVE Calcium Rich Foods2018-03-14T09:54:17+00:00

SIX Problems with White Refined Sugar

You’ll find sugar in the obvious places like candies, baked goods, cakes, chocolate, pies, dessert and pop but then it’s hidden in many places including sauces, dressings, ketchup, fruit juices, protein powders and processed foods. The average American (I’m sure the Canadian statistics are not [...]

SIX Problems with White Refined Sugar2018-03-14T10:00:43+00:00

FOUR Foundations of Health

This is what we need to be all doing on a consistent basis to build the foundation of our health. 1. Healthy eating – The foods that we eat are the building blocks of our body. We need to be taking in really good building [...]

FOUR Foundations of Health2018-03-14T10:00:48+00:00

FOUR Problems with Cow’s Dairy

I grew up thinking that milk was a healthy food. I believed that cow’s dairy was a healthy food, it did a body good and built strong bones. Cow’s dairy includes milk, yogurt, cheese, ice cream. FOUR problems I discovered about cow’s dairy. 1. Cow’s [...]

FOUR Problems with Cow’s Dairy2018-03-14T10:00:53+00:00

TWO Major Problems with Wheat

Have you ever wondered what the problem with wheat actually is? Why are so many people making such a big deal about it? I wondered that too. I grew up eating cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and never thought twice about eating bread or [...]

TWO Major Problems with Wheat2018-03-14T10:01:16+00:00
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