There are six stresses on the body that can lead to dysfunction of certain organs or systems of the body.  If dysfunction continues over a period of time, this can lead to disease processes in the body.  The truth is that most disease processes are multi-causal, especially chronic disease, and they occur over time, they do not just spontaneously appear.
Here are the 6 causes of dysfunction and disease:
1. Food intolerances: grains, cow’s dairy, sugar, eggs
2. Immune challenges: viral, bacterial, fungal, parasites
3. Heavy Metals: mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic; from our environment, industry and dentistry
4. Environmental Toxins: pesticides, food additives, food preservatives
5. Emotional Conflicts: any conflict in a person’s life can leave an imprint on our nervous system
6. Physical: structural imbalances, injuries, surgeries, scars
The key to regaining proper function is to be able to identify and remove the stressors on the body.