
FOUR Benefits of Iodine

Improves thyroid and all endocrine gland function. Tissues that utilize iodine: thyroid, adrenal glands, breast, prostate gland, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, GI tract, bones, connective tissue. Thyroid hormones are T3 and T4 which refers to the number of iodine atoms the hormone contains. [...]

FOUR Benefits of Iodine2018-10-15T02:44:08+00:00

How to Test for Heavy Metals

The most accurate way to check for heavy metal toxicity is with a provoked urine analysis, whereby you are given a chelating agent either orally or intravenously. Chelating agents selectively bind with heavy metals in the tissues and brings these metals into circulation, then [...]

How to Test for Heavy Metals2018-10-01T03:10:50+00:00

THREE Benefits of Fibre

Benefits of Fibre: Feeds the healthy gut flora. Building a healthy microbiome. Prebiotics. Binds toxins in gut and helps carry them out of the body. Without enough fibre, toxins are reabsorbed. Sponges up toxins in the digestive tract. Helps to improve bowel movements. Roughage [...]

THREE Benefits of Fibre2018-09-23T04:27:38+00:00

How Do People Get FUNGAL Infections?

Fungal infections are very common. It is important to understand that fungi is a natural, normal part of a healthy gut flora.  The fungi naturally occurs in low levels in the body, but if the body becomes more acidic then this becomes a friendly [...]

How Do People Get FUNGAL Infections?2018-09-16T19:59:10+00:00

FIVE Hormone Disruptors to Avoid

Hormone-disrupting chemicals or endocrine-disrupting chemicals are readily absorbable and mimic hormones. They overstimulate, block or disrupt hormones natural actions. Clinically this can show up as irregular periods, painful periods, endometrosis, PCOS, fertility issues; early menses in young girls; hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia [...]

FIVE Hormone Disruptors to Avoid2018-09-10T02:13:10+00:00

Wheat-free vs Gluten-free

Wheat has a large amount of a protein called “gluten”, but there are other grains that have gluten in smaller amounts such as barley, rye and spelt.  Therefore a “wheat-free” diet excludes the foods with wheat but you can still have other grains that [...]

Wheat-free vs Gluten-free2018-09-04T03:34:03+00:00

The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection

Heavy metals have a symbiotic relationship with candida. Heavy metals bind to candida as a protective mechanism to bring heavy metals out of circulation. Therefore if you are struggling with fungal overgrowths, the root cause may be heavy metal toxicity. [...]

The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection2018-08-27T02:42:20+00:00

FIVE Tactics to Drink More Water

I have had patients say that they really struggle to drink enough water even though they understand that it’s good for them. Here are some tactics to help you to drink more water: Always have a water bottle (glass or stainless steel) on you. [...]

FIVE Tactics to Drink More Water2018-08-20T02:36:22+00:00

SEVEN Foods that Support Kidney Function

Cherries (vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, antioxidant) Cranberries (high vitamin C) Onions and garlic (quercetin, antioxidant) Mushrooms (vitamin D) Nitrate-rich foods (green leafy vegetables, beet juice) – converts to nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels Herbal: ginger, gotu kola, gingko biloba [...]

SEVEN Foods that Support Kidney Function2018-08-13T02:56:37+00:00

FOUR Ways to Support Kidney Function

Drink 2-3L of filtered water per day (carbon block filter or reverse osmosis) Remove phosphates (carbonated beverages, bread, flavouring) – impairs microcirculation Decrease animal protein consumption Decrease refined salt consumption

FOUR Ways to Support Kidney Function2018-08-06T04:17:13+00:00
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