SEVEN Tactics to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Why is the vagus nerve important? The vagus nerve is one of the cranial nerves. It comes down the side of the neck, comes down the front of the thorax, bisects through the diaphragm and supplies all the digestive organs. It plays an essential [...]

SEVEN Tactics to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve2023-02-20T19:34:02+00:00

The Cause of Insulin Resistance

How does insulin resistance happen within the body? The common belief is that insulin resistance only occurs due to consuming high amounts of sugar. And that can definitely be a contributing factor, as we as a society have increased our consumption of sugar over [...]

The Cause of Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:40:24+00:00

Stress Response Programming and Developing Microbiome

What is the connection between stress response system and the early colonization of the microbiome? This is an interesting connection. As a clinician, I find it interesting to see how different people respond to stress in different ways and this can be explained by [...]

Stress Response Programming and Developing Microbiome2021-09-03T15:24:13+00:00

FOUR Ways We Are Depleting Our Immune System

At this point in time, we really want to make sure that our immune system is working well. Our immune system is our defence mechanism, against viruses, bacteria, pathogens, and cancer cells. We don’t want our immune system to be under functioning, or over [...]

FOUR Ways We Are Depleting Our Immune System2021-09-03T15:45:32+00:00

Female Hormonal Balance

Many people think that as they age their energy will decrease, their metabolism will slow down, they will lose their libido. These are all just signs that the hormones are out of balance. I ask patients about their periods. Are they a regular cycle, [...]

Female Hormonal Balance2019-08-19T14:15:40+00:00

Five Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom that we see in our clinic. Chronic stress leads to dysregulation of the body’s stress systems, specifically the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and this is a common cause of fatigue. Poor Nutrition or Digestion. [...]

Five Causes of Fatigue2019-07-15T01:50:08+00:00

Liver-Hormone Connection

The liver is where the hormones are metabolized. Liver makes cholesterol and cholesterol is the building block of all your hormones including: Hormones for your ovaries including estrogen and progesterone Hormones for your adrenal glands including cortisone and adrenaline Hormones for your thyroid Therefore [...]

Liver-Hormone Connection2018-04-23T03:22:06+00:00

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

Do you have cold hands and cold feet? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you experience constipation? Do you have dry skin or brittle nails? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your thyroid may be out of balance. The thyroid is [...]

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction2018-03-13T17:45:26+00:00

Intravenous Vitamin Therapy

This therapy involves administering vitamins, minerals and homeopathics directly into the circulatory system for a rapid therapeutic effect. The intravenous route can achieve high serum concentrations that increases the absorptive capacity by about 10-20 fold which cannot be attained with the oral route.  These nutrients [...]

Intravenous Vitamin Therapy2018-03-14T08:54:11+00:00
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