What is SIBO?
What is SIBO and how to recognize some of the symptoms of SIBO? SIBO is Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. The first part of the small intestines is the duodenum, where we absorb our minerals. The second part of the small intestines is the jejunum, [...]
What’s YOUR Definition of Health?
Many people define health as the absence of disease. What I realize is that everyone has a different definition of health. Many people define health as the absence of disease. Or even the absence of symptoms. They may have other more subtle symptoms such [...]
Female Hormonal Balance
Many people think that as they age their energy will decrease, their metabolism will slow down, they will lose their libido. These are all just signs that the hormones are out of balance. I ask patients about their periods. Are they a regular cycle, [...]
TWO Types of Cellular Metabolism
This is perhaps the most important aspect for understanding the mechanism of cancer in the body at a cellular level. There are 2 types of cellular metabolism – discovered by Warburg Respirate oxygen – in the mitochondria, aerobic (with oxygen), anabolic (building stage), healthy [...]
Digestive Disorders and Fat Absorption
Digestive disorders and Fat Absorption To absorb fats requires bile In people with digestive disorders, they have inflamed mucous membranes and imbalances in their gut flora, which leads to the production of excessive mucus to protect itself. These large amounts of mucus interfere with [...]
FOUR Benefits of Fasting
FOUR Benefits of Fasting Helps with weight loss - Boost metabolism, Balances insulin levels, Lipolysis (fat-burning) Neurological benefits – promotes the growth of neurons, enhances memory performance, improves cognitive function Boost the immune system – regenerates the immune system, boosts production of white blood [...]