BDNF and Psychobiotics

Let’s talk about the connection between BDNF and psychobiotics! BDNF is brain derived neurotrophic factor and it is considered the miracle grow of brain tissues because its helping to promote the growth and development of new neurons in the brain and it is also [...]

BDNF and Psychobiotics2022-10-11T01:41:43+00:00

TWO Approaches to Probiotics

Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria. They are used to repopulate the healthy bacteria in your microbiome. There are two different approaches to taking probiotics. Seeding: providing the healthy bacteria to re-seed the microbiome with good, healthy bacteria. Setting up an Environment for healthy [...]

TWO Approaches to Probiotics2021-09-03T15:29:33+00:00

The Real Cause of Seasonal Allergies

Believe it or not, trees, grass, weeds, pollen are not the problem when it comes to seasonal allergies. Seasonal allergies are a sign that your immune system is overloaded and out of balance. This typically occurs because the lymphatic system is congested and cannot [...]

The Real Cause of Seasonal Allergies2019-05-13T02:29:29+00:00

Can I Take Probiotics When On Antibiotics?

If you need to take antibiotics, you need to realize that antibiotics kill off infectious agents but they also kill off good, healthy bacteria. Initially it was believed that you don’t take probiotics while on antibiotics because the antibiotics will kill off any of [...]

Can I Take Probiotics When On Antibiotics?2019-04-08T02:32:20+00:00

SEVEN Layer Stool Chart

Layer 1: Separate large lumps, like nuts (hard to pass); also know as goat faeces Layer 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy Layer 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface Layer 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft Layer 5: Soft [...]

SEVEN Layer Stool Chart2018-05-29T02:42:59+00:00

NINE Tips to Improve Bone Health

Are you worried about osteoporosis, osteopenia, bone health or broken bones? We need to understand that bones are living substances; they are one of the most active tissues in the body and are continuously breaking down and rebuilding itself. For bone health: Avoid acidic foods: [...]

NINE Tips to Improve Bone Health2018-04-30T03:52:39+00:00

Digestive Enzymes | Prebiotics | Probiotics

Digestive enzymes we produce naturally, but sometimes we don’t produce enough. Digestive enzymes help to break down the foods that we eat. It breaks down molecules into smaller building blocks so that we can effectively absorb these substrates through the lining of the digestive tract. [...]

Digestive Enzymes | Prebiotics | Probiotics2018-03-14T08:53:48+00:00

FOUR Problems with Commercial Yogurt

Commercial yogurt use probiotic strains that are easy to manufacture and store in a grocery store but are not natural or clinically effective for humans It’s from cow’s dairy which is inflammatory on the lining of the digestive tract, which does not help with [...]

FOUR Problems with Commercial Yogurt2018-03-14T08:53:58+00:00

FIVE Reasons Microbiome is Important

About the Human Microbiome There are 10 times as many microbes in the digestive tract than there are human cells in the body About 100 trillion microbes Weigh approximately 3lbs Microbiome is the ecosystem of microbes, colonies of bacteria and fungi that live in our [...]

FIVE Reasons Microbiome is Important2018-03-14T08:54:02+00:00

TEN Characteristics of an Ideal Bowel Movements

Whenever you come into our clinic, be prepared, because we will always ask about one key aspect of your health which will give us great insight into what’s going on inside of you, how well your system is functioning and your overall health.  It can [...]

TEN Characteristics of an Ideal Bowel Movements2018-03-14T09:08:35+00:00
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