FOUR Functions of Glutathione in the Body

Glutathione is the main antioxidant in the liver. All cells can synthesize glutathione, but the highest concentration of glutathione is in the liver. Glutathione is a tripeptide composed of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine that is needed for phase I and II detoxification in [...]

FOUR Functions of Glutathione in the Body2018-04-16T03:51:10+00:00

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance

If the liver is not functioning at its best then toxins are accumulating in different tissues in the body. DIGESTIVE ISSUES: abdominal bloating GALLBLADDER ISSUES: trouble digesting fatty foods SKIN ISSUES: acne, rosacea, itchy or blotchy skin, liver spots HORMONAL ISSUES: increase abdominal fat, [...]

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance2018-03-19T03:59:07+00:00

What is MSG and what is the problem with it?

MSG (monosodium glutamate or sodium glutamate) is the sodium salt of glutamic acid. It is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer.  It has very little taste itself, but it affects our taste and has the ability to make our foods taste better. MSG [...]

What is MSG and what is the problem with it?2018-03-14T08:54:08+00:00

TEN Reasons Exercise is Important

Exercise has numerous benefits to our health and is vital for obtaining optimal health.  Exercise is one of the foundations of health.  Our bodies were designed to move, we were not designed to have these sedentary lifestyles, where we sit at our desks and our [...]

TEN Reasons Exercise is Important2018-03-14T08:54:15+00:00

THREE Problems with Aspartame

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used in most diet drinks, chewing gum, tabletop sweeteners, juices, yogurts and numerous products that claim to be “sugar-free”.  It is one of the main sugar substitutes used by people with diabetes.  It is considered a safe food additive for [...]

THREE Problems with Aspartame2018-03-14T09:08:21+00:00

Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)

We have an assessment test at our clinic that is the technologically advanced Whole-Body Regulation Thermography, the AlfaSight 9000. It is a functional test based on thermoregulation, neuroscience and the autonomic response that measures the regulation capacity of organs, tissues and glands. It has a high degree [...]

Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)2018-03-14T09:08:29+00:00

Does Food Affect our Moods?

Does what you eat affect your moods? It sure does! There are four contributing factors to food affecting moods: Our body manufacturers neurotransmitters within the lining of the digestive tract. These neurotransmitters, specifically serotonin, travel into the bloodstream, pass the blood brain barrier into the [...]

Does Food Affect our Moods?2018-03-14T09:08:40+00:00

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important

We are made up of 70% water.  Therefore it is vitally important that we are drinking water all day, everyday, to replenish our body with fresh, clean water.  Water plays a key role in digestion, cellular metabolism, detoxifying and alkalinizing the body. Many people have [...]

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important2018-03-14T09:08:49+00:00

FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Do not eat later than 7pm. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Exercise daily. Soothing routine 1hr before bed.  Turn off technology, hot bath, calming tea, read a book. Sleep in a cold, dark, quiet environment – think of a cave. [...]

FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality2018-03-14T09:31:45+00:00

FIVE Reasons Probiotics are Important

Our body’s digestive tracts houses about 100 trillion bacteria, that is more than 10 times the number of cells that we have in our entire body. Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria that line your digestive tract. The type and quantity of these micro-organisms in [...]

FIVE Reasons Probiotics are Important2018-05-08T17:28:35+00:00
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