Heart Health and Insulin Resistance

Let’s talk about the connection between heart health and insulin resistance. Many people don’t put that connection together and I think it is important to understand that we need to be treating insulin resistance when we are looking at heart health. Most people think [...]

Heart Health and Insulin Resistance2024-07-15T03:00:35+00:00

Salt Blood Pressure Connection

Let’s talk about the salt-blood pressure connection! The original philosophy on the Salt Blood Pressure connection was that high amounts of salt lead to an increase in blood pressure. If we have high amounts of salt, our body will retain more fluids in order [...]

Salt Blood Pressure Connection2024-04-22T03:11:55+00:00

FIVE Factors that need to be in place to Balance our Hormones

We can test hormones and see where the hormones are at but if we don’t have these five factors in place then we can take all the supplements, or synthetic or bioidentical hormones and we are not working on these five factors then we [...]

FIVE Factors that need to be in place to Balance our Hormones2023-12-11T04:12:57+00:00

What is the Problem with Blue Light?

We’ve been hearing a lot more about blue light and I want to talk about, first of all, what is blue light? We get expose to blue light from the sun, from technology including TV, computers, laptops, tablets, phones, also from fluorescent lights, and [...]

What is the Problem with Blue Light?2023-04-24T02:21:00+00:00

FIVE Signs of Insulin Resistance

Let’s talk about FIVE signs of Insulin Resistance. I talk a lot about metabolic health and insulin resistance and some of the questions I’ve been getting is ‘how do I know if I have insulin resistance?’, ‘what are some of the signs that I [...]

FIVE Signs of Insulin Resistance2022-07-11T15:08:31+00:00

FIVE Tactics to Improve Insulin Resistance

First of all, what is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is when our cells’ insulin receptors are not sensitive to insulin that is released from the pancreas in response to glucose or sugar, then they cannot allow glucose into the cells to make ATP or [...]

FIVE Tactics to Improve Insulin Resistance2021-09-13T01:06:35+00:00

Resistant Starches

Resistant starches are starchy foods that are metabolized differently. Resistant starches are foods that do not get broken down and goes into the intestines, turned into short chain fatty acids by the intestinal bacteria, acts like fiber and feeds the healthy bacteria. Ie. Cooked [...]

Resistant Starches2021-09-03T02:32:12+00:00

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths

What is the connection between grains and fungal overgrowths? When we consume grains they down into sugars rapidly. As soon as we consume grains, we have an increase in blood sugars. Within our digestive tract we have an ecosystem of fungi and bacteria that [...]

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths2021-09-03T02:35:18+00:00

Grains and Insulin Resistance

What is the connection between grains and insulin resistance? Insulin resistance means that the hormone insulin, when it is in the insulin receptor sites on the cell membranes, that they cannot easily allow the glucose or sugar to move into the cells to make [...]

Grains and Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:38:30+00:00

The Cause of Insulin Resistance

How does insulin resistance happen within the body? The common belief is that insulin resistance only occurs due to consuming high amounts of sugar. And that can definitely be a contributing factor, as we as a society have increased our consumption of sugar over [...]

The Cause of Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:40:24+00:00
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