UBI-Ozone IV Therapy

Let’s talk about UBI-Ozone IV therapy. We often pair these therapies together because it works so well together. Let’s go through the benefits of pairing these oxidative therapies together. This therapy helps to balance the immune system. In autoimmune conditions it helps to quiet [...]

UBI-Ozone IV Therapy2023-11-11T18:12:47+00:00

Mycotoxin Urine Testing

Let’s talk about Mycotoxin Urine testing. Mycotoxins are toxic compounds that are produced by mold. Mold exposure is quickly becoming one of the major causes of chronic disease. This can be exposure from your home, your workplace, your vehicle. We also know that people [...]

Mycotoxin Urine Testing2022-08-08T00:38:00+00:00

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths

What is the connection between grains and fungal overgrowths? When we consume grains they down into sugars rapidly. As soon as we consume grains, we have an increase in blood sugars. Within our digestive tract we have an ecosystem of fungi and bacteria that [...]

Grains and Fungal Overgrowths2021-09-03T02:35:18+00:00

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms

Biofilms are a collection or community of different types of microorganisms that form together into a slimy, gluey consistency that will adhere to liquidy surface such as mucous membranes of the digestive tract. These biofilms will adhere to the lining of the digestive tract [...]

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms2021-09-03T15:28:59+00:00

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has been around for over 125 years and there are over 6000 published studies that show that ozone therapy is effective and safe for a number of different health issues. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms attached together. The air that [...]

Ozone Therapy2021-09-03T15:29:12+00:00

The Microbiome and The Immune System

What is the connection between the microbiome and the immune system? This will help to explain why it is so important to take care of your microbiome. The microbiome is an ecosystem of bacteria and fungus that live within your digestive tract and it [...]

The Microbiome and The Immune System2021-09-03T15:22:48+00:00

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI)

UBI is a therapy that we offer within our clinic and it has a number of different positive effects in terms of boosting our health. This is a natural therapy that has been used in medicine for well over 70 years with significant results [...]

Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI)2020-02-10T04:39:19+00:00

Conventional VS Naturopathic Approach to SIBO

What is the difference between the conventional approach to SIBO and the naturopathic approach to SIBO?Conventional medical treatment of SIBO is using antibiotics. This approach leads to additional problems as it disrupts the microbiome.Naturopathic medical approach is to restore proper functioning of protective barriers such [...]

Conventional VS Naturopathic Approach to SIBO2020-01-21T02:38:56+00:00

Full Body Hyperthermia

Full Body Hyperthermia raises the temperature of the entire body and allows the body to systematically target abnormal cells and pathogens. The patient is in an insulated chamber that uses infrared frequencies to generate heat. The patient’s body is heated to 38.5°C. The head [...]

Full Body Hyperthermia2018-11-26T04:20:44+00:00

How Do People Get FUNGAL Infections?

Fungal infections are very common. It is important to understand that fungi is a natural, normal part of a healthy gut flora.  The fungi naturally occurs in low levels in the body, but if the body becomes more acidic then this becomes a friendly [...]

How Do People Get FUNGAL Infections?2018-09-16T19:59:10+00:00
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