Heart Health and Insulin Resistance

Let’s talk about the connection between heart health and insulin resistance. Many people don’t put that connection together and I think it is important to understand that we need to be treating insulin resistance when we are looking at heart health. Most people think [...]

Heart Health and Insulin Resistance2024-07-15T03:00:35+00:00

Salt Blood Pressure Connection

Let’s talk about the salt-blood pressure connection! The original philosophy on the Salt Blood Pressure connection was that high amounts of salt lead to an increase in blood pressure. If we have high amounts of salt, our body will retain more fluids in order [...]

Salt Blood Pressure Connection2024-04-22T03:11:55+00:00

NINE Signs you Need More SALT

We’ve become afraid of salt which leads to many people having low salt diets. We actually need salt in our diets in order for our bodies to function optimally. Cold extremities Dark urine Decrease skin turgor Decrease urine output Dry axilla and tongue Poor [...]

NINE Signs you Need More SALT2024-01-16T18:28:17+00:00

Suppressing Fevers can lead to Chronic Disease

Suppressing fevers can leave you more susceptible to chronic disease in the future. People often see fevers as problematic, especially fevers in children. As soon as they see the fever, they get nervous and start to suppress the fever, by giving them fever-reducers when [...]

Suppressing Fevers can lead to Chronic Disease2021-12-13T04:14:43+00:00

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms

Biofilms are a collection or community of different types of microorganisms that form together into a slimy, gluey consistency that will adhere to liquidy surface such as mucous membranes of the digestive tract. These biofilms will adhere to the lining of the digestive tract [...]

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms2021-09-03T15:28:59+00:00

Five Causes of Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom that we see in our clinic. Chronic stress leads to dysregulation of the body’s stress systems, specifically the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and this is a common cause of fatigue. Poor Nutrition or Digestion. [...]

Five Causes of Fatigue2019-07-15T01:50:08+00:00

Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) Test

Conventional cholesterol testing has historically been used as the standard indicator for cardiovascular disease, often being classified as “good” HDL or “bad” LDL. Studies have indicated that it is actually the lipoprotein particles that are responsible for key steps in plaque formation and the [...]

Lipoprotein Particle Profile (LPP) Test2019-02-25T03:03:41+00:00

Is Salt Healthy?

We need to decipher between table salt and natural forms of salt. Table salt is made up of mainly sodium chloride (NaCl), it is chemically produced, bleached, and does not contain nutrients or trace minerals. Table salt lacks nutritional value. Most of the studies [...]

Is Salt Healthy?2019-02-18T04:34:08+00:00

IV Chelation and Cardiovascular Health

Research has documented numerous benefits from chelation, especially in the field of cardiovascular disease. Chelation helps to reduce the oxidative damage that initiates plaque build-up in the arteries that leads to hypertension and ischemic heart disease. Current research shows that chelation therapy increases the [...]

IV Chelation and Cardiovascular Health2019-02-11T16:43:18+00:00

Does Consuming Dietary Cholesterol Lead to High Cholesterol?

A common belief is that consuming dietary cholesterol such as butter, animal protein or eggs can raise your blood cholesterol levels. Another common belief was that high cholesterol is associated with heart disease and lead to clogged arteries. These are both “old” concepts that [...]

Does Consuming Dietary Cholesterol Lead to High Cholesterol?2019-02-04T03:16:12+00:00
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