Iodine and Cancer

What is the connection between iodine and cancer? Iodine plays a key role in a process in the body called apoptosis. Apoptosis is a programmed cell death. This is a process that most cells naturally have. The problem is that cancer cells do not [...]

Iodine and Cancer2022-02-14T05:05:26+00:00

Suppressing Fevers can lead to Chronic Disease

Suppressing fevers can leave you more susceptible to chronic disease in the future. People often see fevers as problematic, especially fevers in children. As soon as they see the fever, they get nervous and start to suppress the fever, by giving them fever-reducers when [...]

Suppressing Fevers can lead to Chronic Disease2021-12-13T04:14:43+00:00

PEMF Therapy

Let’s talk about PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy. This therapy has been equated to hooking all of your cells up to jumper cable and jump starting the cellular energy in all of our cells. All of our cells are like little capacitors, they hold [...]

PEMF Therapy2021-10-25T01:49:03+00:00

Mistletoe Therapy

Let’s talk about Mistletoe therapy. This is a therapy that is not widely used in North America but it is widely used in Europe. Mistletoe is a white-berried European Mistletoe extract, called viscum album, it’s a medicinal plant that’s been used since ancient times. [...]

Mistletoe Therapy2021-10-04T02:02:21+00:00

Fasting and Chemotherapy

What is the connection between chemotherapy and fasting? A number of my patients receive both the convention approach to cancer and the naturopathic approach, so that we can support a person’s body as they go through chemotherapy.  One of the tactics that we can [...]

Fasting and Chemotherapy2021-09-21T03:37:43+00:00

Grains and Cancer

What is the connection between grains and cancer? What we know about cancer cells is that they love to feed on sugar and sugar can increase the growth of cancer cells. Grains turn to sugars rapidly in the body. All grains, even healthier grains, [...]

Grains and Cancer2021-09-03T02:34:36+00:00

Benefits of High Dose Vitamin C IVs

Let’s talk about why high dose vitamin C is beneficial. When vitamin C is administered at a high level, above a certain threshold, it goes from being an anti-oxidant to a pro-oxidant. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid as a pro-oxidant creates hydrogen peroxide extracellularly, [...]

Benefits of High Dose Vitamin C IVs2021-09-03T02:36:08+00:00

Vegetable Oils and Cell Membranes

What is the connection between consuming “vegetable” oils and cell membranes? We call them “vegetable” oils, which makes many people think that they are these healthy fats that we should be consuming. Vegetable oils are actually industrial oils, that have been manipulated and changed [...]

Vegetable Oils and Cell Membranes2021-09-03T15:38:49+00:00

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms

Biofilms are a collection or community of different types of microorganisms that form together into a slimy, gluey consistency that will adhere to liquidy surface such as mucous membranes of the digestive tract. These biofilms will adhere to the lining of the digestive tract [...]

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms2021-09-03T15:28:59+00:00

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has been around for over 125 years and there are over 6000 published studies that show that ozone therapy is effective and safe for a number of different health issues. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms attached together. The air that [...]

Ozone Therapy2021-09-03T15:29:12+00:00
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