Flow Patterns of Lymphatic System

Lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body. It cleans up tissues and moves toxins out the body. It is the body’s secondary circulatory system. The lymphatic system should be the consistency of water, when congested it becomes the consistency of sludge. The [...]

Flow Patterns of Lymphatic System2018-04-11T00:58:46+00:00

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance

If the liver is not functioning at its best then toxins are accumulating in different tissues in the body. DIGESTIVE ISSUES: abdominal bloating GALLBLADDER ISSUES: trouble digesting fatty foods SKIN ISSUES: acne, rosacea, itchy or blotchy skin, liver spots HORMONAL ISSUES: increase abdominal fat, [...]

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance2018-03-19T03:59:07+00:00

FOOD Allergy | FOOD Intolerance | FOOD Sensitivity

Food Allergies: IgE Reaction Sudden reaction, potentially life-threatening reaction to certain food. Mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Requires life-long avoidance (ie. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish). IgG Delayed Reaction There are delayed reactions mediated by a different antibody called immunoglobulin G (IgG), which take hours [...]

FOOD Allergy | FOOD Intolerance | FOOD Sensitivity2018-03-14T08:47:39+00:00

THREE Reasons to Delay Peanut Introduction

Over the last 20 years, we have seen a huge increase in the number of anaphylactic allergies to peanuts. It’s really scary how many kids are suffering from that life-threatening allergy. I know some of the recent research is saying that we should be introducing [...]

THREE Reasons to Delay Peanut Introduction2018-03-14T09:08:42+00:00

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine

I often get asked “why I became an Naturopathic Doctor”, so here’s my answer. I had a few different influences that led me to this path. One major influence was my personal experience with naturopathic medicine. As a child I had lots of allergies and [...]

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine2018-03-14T09:08:45+00:00
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