Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)

We have an assessment test at our clinic that is the technologically advanced Whole-Body Regulation Thermography, the AlfaSight 9000. It is a functional test based on thermoregulation, neuroscience and the autonomic response that measures the regulation capacity of organs, tissues and glands. It has a high degree [...]

Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)2018-03-14T09:08:29+00:00

SIX Reasons Sleep is Important for our Health

SIX Reasons why Sleep in Important Sleep is one of the foundations of health.  It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body. During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification. Getting enough, [...]

SIX Reasons Sleep is Important for our Health2018-03-14T09:08:55+00:00

FIVE Possible Blocks to Good Sleep

Sleep is one of the foundations of health.  It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body.  During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification and repairing of cells. Getting enough, quality sleep [...]

FIVE Possible Blocks to Good Sleep2018-03-14T09:22:14+00:00

Is an Exercise Program right for you?

Patients will often ask me how do they know if an exercise program is right for them. Here are the three questions you need to ask yourself to know if an exercise program is right for you: Are you experiencing pain when you are exercising? [...]

Is an Exercise Program right for you?2018-03-14T09:51:41+00:00

Adrenal Dysfunction

THREE possible dysfunctions that can present as adrenal fatigue The adrenals release the body’s stress hormones. Any time the body is under any type of stress the adrenals release hormones to combat that stress. The three things that the body perceives as stress are: [...]

Adrenal Dysfunction2018-03-14T10:01:07+00:00

FOUR Ways to Improve Adrenal Function

The adrenal glands are your stress glands.  They are about the size of the walnut and are located just above your kidneys.  They release your stress hormones.  Any time you are under any type of stress, the adrenals release hormones to help you combat that [...]

FOUR Ways to Improve Adrenal Function2018-03-14T10:08:16+00:00
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