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So far advanced has created 298 blog entries.

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance

If the liver is not functioning at its best then toxins are accumulating in different tissues in the body. DIGESTIVE ISSUES: abdominal bloating GALLBLADDER ISSUES: trouble digesting fatty foods SKIN ISSUES: acne, rosacea, itchy or blotchy skin, liver spots HORMONAL ISSUES: increase abdominal fat, [...]

SEVEN Signs Liver is Out of Balance2018-03-19T03:59:07+00:00

D-Spot Test

Understanding Vitamin D and Testing for Healthy Levels: BY: DR. JATISH KALER With the shortened fall days and long winter months ahead, it’s time we all consider our Vitamin D levels and how best to supplement with the “sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D: The Sunshine [...]

D-Spot Test2018-03-13T17:36:48+00:00

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

Do you have cold hands and cold feet? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you experience constipation? Do you have dry skin or brittle nails? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your thyroid may be out of balance. The thyroid is [...]

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction2018-03-13T17:45:26+00:00

FIVE Functions of Vitamin D

We live is a society that fears the sun. We hear medical advice saying that sun exposure leads to skin cancer. This has led to a many people wearing sunscreen when they are outdoors, covering up when they are outside in the sun or [...]

FIVE Functions of Vitamin D2018-03-14T07:16:41+00:00

HDL LDL Cholesterol Misconception

Conventional thinking is that HDL is the “good” cholesterol and LDL is the “bad” cholesterol, but the truth is you need both HDL and LDL because they are part of a dynamic function in the body.  Really there is no good or bad cholesterol.  [...]

HDL LDL Cholesterol Misconception2018-03-14T08:47:05+00:00

Cholesterol-Inflammation Connection

Cholesterol is essential in our body, not something to be feared or stopped. There is a big connection between inflammation and cholesterol.  First you need to understand what inflammation is.  When you sprain your ankle and your ankle swells up, this is called inflammation.  What [...]

Cholesterol-Inflammation Connection2018-03-14T08:47:18+00:00

SIX Oils to Avoid and THREE Reasons Why

SIX Processed oils to Avoid: corn oil canola oil cottonseed oil soybean oil sunflower oil safflower oil THREE Reasons to Avoid these oils: These oils are industrially manufactured using high heat and toxic solvents to extract the oil from the seeds. Industrial processing can [...]

SIX Oils to Avoid and THREE Reasons Why2018-03-14T08:47:29+00:00

FOOD Allergy | FOOD Intolerance | FOOD Sensitivity

Food Allergies: IgE Reaction Sudden reaction, potentially life-threatening reaction to certain food. Mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Requires life-long avoidance (ie. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish). IgG Delayed Reaction There are delayed reactions mediated by a different antibody called immunoglobulin G (IgG), which take hours [...]

FOOD Allergy | FOOD Intolerance | FOOD Sensitivity2018-03-14T08:47:39+00:00

THREE Reasons to Drink Filtered Water

Filtered water will remove the chlorine and chlorine will kill off the healthy bacteria in the gut. Filtered water will remove chlorinated by-products (organic trihalomethane – chloroform, bromodichloromethane, chlorodibromomethane, bromoform) which are carcinogenic. Filtered water will remove a high percentage of toxins which will [...]

THREE Reasons to Drink Filtered Water2018-03-14T08:53:34+00:00

Introducing Dr. Jatish Kaler

WHY DID YOU BECOME A NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR? My name is Dr. Jatish Kaler and I am a naturopathic doctor in Calgary, Alberta. I often get asked, why I became a naturopathic doctor… quite simply  “I became a naturopathic doctor to help people heal naturally” [...]

Introducing Dr. Jatish Kaler2018-03-14T08:53:40+00:00
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