
FIVE Hormone Disruptors to Avoid

Hormone-disrupting chemicals or endocrine-disrupting chemicals are readily absorbable and mimic hormones. They overstimulate, block or disrupt hormones natural actions. Clinically this can show up as irregular periods, painful periods, endometrosis, PCOS, fertility issues; early menses in young girls; hot flashes, night sweats and insomnia [...]

FIVE Hormone Disruptors to Avoid2018-09-10T02:13:10+00:00

The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection

Heavy metals have a symbiotic relationship with candida. Heavy metals bind to candida as a protective mechanism to bring heavy metals out of circulation. Therefore if you are struggling with fungal overgrowths, the root cause may be heavy metal toxicity. [...]

The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection2018-08-27T02:42:20+00:00

FOUR Ways to Support Kidney Function

Drink 2-3L of filtered water per day (carbon block filter or reverse osmosis) Remove phosphates (carbonated beverages, bread, flavouring) – impairs microcirculation Decrease animal protein consumption Decrease refined salt consumption

FOUR Ways to Support Kidney Function2018-08-06T04:17:13+00:00

FIVE Signs of Kidney Imbalance

FLUID CONTROL ISSUES: Fluid retention, Edema, Swollen feet or ankles or face, puffy eyes URINATION ISSUES: Change in urination – appearance or frequency – urination is difficult, blood in urine, urgent need to urinate, less or more frequent, lighter or darker in colour, foamy [...]

FIVE Signs of Kidney Imbalance2018-07-31T02:26:31+00:00

Heavy Metal Toxicity as a Protective Mechanism

Heavy metals accumulate in the body over a lifetime. Believe it or not, heavy metal accumulating in our tissues is actually a protective mechanism. Heavy metals enter the body, if the amounts are too high then it is a poison within the body, so [...]

Heavy Metal Toxicity as a Protective Mechanism2018-07-23T03:36:47+00:00

FOUR Benefits of High Dose Vitamin C IVs

Essential nutrient is rapidly absorbed. Large doses of Vitamin C taken intravenously provide the body with this essential nutrient and ensure rapid delivery to the cells by administering the vitamin at a high concentration directly into the bloodstream. Alkalinizes the body. Vitamin C works [...]

FOUR Benefits of High Dose Vitamin C IVs2018-07-09T03:37:08+00:00

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals

One major stressor on the body can be heavy metals. In our modern world, our environment, food, and water regularly expose us to these toxic metals which, over time, accumulate in our bodies and negatively impact normal cellular function. Heavy metal toxicity is an [...]

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals2018-06-18T04:16:47+00:00

Heavy Metal Exposure

When plants are grown in nutrient depleted soils, which most of our soils are now, they actually absorb toxic metals more easily, therefore we are taking heavy metals in through our food. We are exposed to mercury through silver amalgam fillings that contain 30-50% [...]

Heavy Metal Exposure2018-06-17T03:37:21+00:00

SEVEN Layer Stool Chart

Layer 1: Separate large lumps, like nuts (hard to pass); also know as goat faeces Layer 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy Layer 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface Layer 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft Layer 5: Soft [...]

SEVEN Layer Stool Chart2018-05-29T02:42:59+00:00

Liver-Hormone Connection

The liver is where the hormones are metabolized. Liver makes cholesterol and cholesterol is the building block of all your hormones including: Hormones for your ovaries including estrogen and progesterone Hormones for your adrenal glands including cortisone and adrenaline Hormones for your thyroid Therefore [...]

Liver-Hormone Connection2018-04-23T03:22:06+00:00
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