SIBO and Insulin Resistance

What is the connection between SIBO and Insulin Resistance? First of all, what is insulin resistance? Insulin resistance occurs when the pancreas releases a hormone called insulin, goes into the blood stream. On our cells we have insulin receptors, insulin will go into those [...]

SIBO and Insulin Resistance2021-09-03T15:25:37+00:00

Intestinal Hyperpermeability

What is Intestinal Hyperpermeability? What is Metabolic Endotoxemia? What is Bacterial Translocation? What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Do all of these terms really just mean the same thing? What all these terms mean is that the one cell deep lining of our digestive tract [...]

Intestinal Hyperpermeability2021-09-03T15:27:50+00:00

Microbiome-Pets Connection

There is a connection between the microbiome and owning pets. Research shows that people who live with dogs have more diverse microbiomes in comparison to non-pet owners. Children with pets have fewer allergies than non-pet owners. Why is this? Animals have biodiversity in their [...]

Microbiome-Pets Connection2021-09-03T15:28:07+00:00

Fasting-Microbiome Connection

There is research that shows that fasting helps to increase the biodiversity of the microbiome and there is a dynamic repopulation of the gut flora. “Fasting affects the population dynamics and activities of the gut microbiota, an interplay that impacts the host's fasting biology.” (Secor and Carey, 2016) [...]

Fasting-Microbiome Connection2021-09-03T15:28:25+00:00

Exercise-Microbiome Connection

In a study with mice, mice that exercised had significantly higher amounts of a specific type of good gut bacteria than sedentary mice that were fed the same diet. Studies on humans show that exercise increases gut bacteria richness and diversity. Rats that exercised [...]

Exercise-Microbiome Connection2021-09-03T15:28:43+00:00

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms

Biofilms are a collection or community of different types of microorganisms that form together into a slimy, gluey consistency that will adhere to liquidy surface such as mucous membranes of the digestive tract. These biofilms will adhere to the lining of the digestive tract [...]

THREE-Prong Approach to Treating Biofilms2021-09-03T15:28:59+00:00

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy has been around for over 125 years and there are over 6000 published studies that show that ozone therapy is effective and safe for a number of different health issues. Ozone is made of three oxygen atoms attached together. The air that [...]

Ozone Therapy2021-09-03T15:29:12+00:00

TWO Approaches to Probiotics

Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria. They are used to repopulate the healthy bacteria in your microbiome. There are two different approaches to taking probiotics. Seeding: providing the healthy bacteria to re-seed the microbiome with good, healthy bacteria. Setting up an Environment for healthy [...]

TWO Approaches to Probiotics2021-09-03T15:29:33+00:00

Anti-histamines VS Natural Histamine Reducers

Histamine is a natural part of the inflammatory response, it is released as inflammatory response, typically to a local immune response, such an allergic reaction. What is the difference between taking an anti-histamine medication and taking a natural histamine reducer? Anti-histamines medications contain compounds [...]

Anti-histamines VS Natural Histamine Reducers2021-09-03T15:29:49+00:00

Fasting and The Immune System

What is the connection between fasting and the immune system? There has been lots of research in recent years on fasting. It’s a bit of a strange concept. The concept of not eating. How can NOT eating improve our immune system? But there’s lots [...]

Fasting and The Immune System2021-09-03T15:31:31+00:00
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