
What is the Glymphatic System?

Do you know what the glymphatic system is? The glymphatic system is the glial-lymphatic system. It was discovered in 2013. They’ve discovered that the fluids that go throughout our central nervous system, the brain and the spine, called our cerebral spinal fluid. There are [...]

SEVEN Tactics to Stimulate the Vagus Nerve

Why is the vagus nerve important? The vagus nerve is one of the cranial nerves. It comes down the side of the neck, comes down the front of the thorax, bisects through the diaphragm and supplies all the digestive organs. It plays an essential [...]

THREE Components that can Activate Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is when the body attacks itself. It is when the body has a difficult time deciphering self from non-self. There are a number of different autoimmune conditions including allergies, eczema, psoriasis, vitiligo, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Grave’s disease, lupus, multiple [...]

Serotonin and Gut Health

Let’s talk about the connection between serotonin and gut health! Once you get into the science of it, you can see the connection between the gut and the brain and it is very fascinating information. Embedded into the lining of the digestive tract are [...]

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