
Cholesterol-Inflammation Connection

Cholesterol is essential in our body, not something to be feared or stopped. There is a big connection between inflammation and cholesterol.  First you need to understand what inflammation is.  When you sprain your ankle and your ankle swells up, this is called inflammation.  What [...]

SIX Oils to Avoid and THREE Reasons Why

SIX Processed oils to Avoid: corn oil canola oil cottonseed oil soybean oil sunflower oil safflower oil THREE Reasons to Avoid these oils: These oils are industrially manufactured using high heat and toxic solvents to extract the oil from the seeds. Industrial processing can [...]

FOOD Allergy | FOOD Intolerance | FOOD Sensitivity

Food Allergies: IgE Reaction Sudden reaction, potentially life-threatening reaction to certain food. Mediated by immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. Requires life-long avoidance (ie. Peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish). IgG Delayed Reaction There are delayed reactions mediated by a different antibody called immunoglobulin G (IgG), which take hours [...]

THREE Reasons to Drink Filtered Water

Filtered water will remove the chlorine and chlorine will kill off the healthy bacteria in the gut. Filtered water will remove chlorinated by-products (organic trihalomethane – chloroform, bromodichloromethane, chlorodibromomethane, bromoform) which are carcinogenic. Filtered water will remove a high percentage of toxins which will [...]

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