
How Do I Remove Heavy Metals?

Depending on the results of the provoked urine analysis, the amount of metals detected, which metals were high and how well the kidneys were functioning, a practitioner, that is properly trained in chelation therapy, will design a program for that individual, as certain chelating [...]

FOUR Benefits of Iodine

Improves thyroid and all endocrine gland function. Tissues that utilize iodine: thyroid, adrenal glands, breast, prostate gland, thymus, ovaries, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, GI tract, bones, connective tissue. Thyroid hormones are T3 and T4 which refers to the number of iodine atoms the hormone contains. [...]

SIX Neurotoxins to Avoid

Neurotoxins are environmental toxins that breakdown neural cells, they are poisons to the nervous system, therefore we have to try to avoid them. Here are SIX Neurotoxins to Avoid: Aspartame in diet drinks and chewing gum Diacetyl in microwave popcorn, it is the butter [...]

How to Test for Heavy Metals

The most accurate way to check for heavy metal toxicity is with a provoked urine analysis, whereby you are given a chelating agent either orally or intravenously. Chelating agents selectively bind with heavy metals in the tissues and brings these metals into circulation, then [...]

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