
UBI-Ozone IV Therapy

Let’s talk about UBI-Ozone IV therapy. We often pair these therapies together because it works so well together. Let’s go through the benefits of pairing these oxidative therapies together. This therapy helps to balance the immune system. In autoimmune conditions it helps to quiet [...]

GMO Foods

Let’s talk about genetically modified organisms or GMO foods. They are foods that have been genetically altered. They have specifically changed the DNA of these foods using genetic engineering techniques. Many of the alterations made to these foods have made it to that these [...]

Electrodermal Screening (EDS)

Let’s talk about electrodermal screening (EDS). Electrodermal screening is a non-invasive way to see how all the different systems of the body are functioning. It is a superior, highly innovative, computerized instrumentation that measures the energetic aspects of the body using the nervous system [...]

What is the Problem with Underwire Bras?

Let’s talk about underwire bras. The other day I had a patient come into my office and she said ‘I just learned I shouldn’t be wearing underwire bras’. I responded with, I’ve known that information for a number of years and I haven’t worn [...]

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