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So far advanced has created 298 blog entries.

What’s Wrong with Heavy Metals?

Heavy metal toxicity is a real issue and I think it really needs some light shone on it. We are exposed to heavy metals in our foods, our environment, our water supply, personal care products, cosmetics, vaccinations but probably the worst culprit is through our [...]

What’s Wrong with Heavy Metals?2018-03-14T10:08:02+00:00

THREE Indications there are Problems with Digestion

Pain/discomfort – burning or stuck sensation in the chest or abdomen. This indicates that there is inflammation in the digestive tract. Gas – burping/flatulence, bloating, indigestion. This indicates that you are not properly digesting the foods you are eating. Not ideal bowel movements – [...]

THREE Indications there are Problems with Digestion2018-03-14T10:08:09+00:00

FOUR Ways to Improve Adrenal Function

The adrenal glands are your stress glands.  They are about the size of the walnut and are located just above your kidneys.  They release your stress hormones.  Any time you are under any type of stress, the adrenals release hormones to help you combat that [...]

FOUR Ways to Improve Adrenal Function2018-03-14T10:08:16+00:00

Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is the sewer system of the body. It cleans up tissues and moves toxins out of body. It is our secondary circulatory system. It plays an important role is supporting the immune system and treating inflammation in the body. About 80% of [...]

Lymphatic System2018-03-14T10:08:22+00:00

Is Naturopathic Medicine Based on Science?

Is Naturopathic Medicine is Based on Science? Many critics claim that Naturopathic Medicine is not grounded in science. Naturopathic Medicine is the original medicine, it has been around for thousands of years, it has held the test of time. Allopathic/conventional medicine has been about for [...]

Is Naturopathic Medicine Based on Science?2018-03-14T10:08:25+00:00

Understanding Hormonal Imbalances

If your hormones are balanced then menopause is a smooth transition, that means no hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia.   And in your reproductive years if your hormones are balanced your periods would be regular and you’d have no other symptoms other than monthly bleeding. Therefore [...]

Understanding Hormonal Imbalances2018-03-14T10:08:27+00:00

FIVE Characteristics of Our Ideal patient 

1. Open minded because we do not practice the same way as your conventional medical doctor. Open to a different approach, a different paradigm of health. 2. Willing to play an active role in their health. Willing to follow a treatment plan, take supplements, make [...]

FIVE Characteristics of Our Ideal patient 2020-01-20T23:01:18+00:00

NINE Reasons for the Decline in our Health

We all have this whole ecosystem of bacteria and fungi that live within our digestive tract and the more diverse the colonies, the healthier we are. As there is a decline in the diversity in our microflora this leads to health challenges including digestive issues, [...]

NINE Reasons for the Decline in our Health2018-03-14T10:08:36+00:00

What is the cause of all chronic disease?

There is one cause of all chronic disease and it is inflammation. We can say that all chronic disease is caused by inflammation. This is a well understood concept even in the conventional medicine world, whereby they'd use anti-inflammatory drugs to treat and then if [...]

What is the cause of all chronic disease?2018-03-14T10:19:01+00:00

Our Unique Approach to ALL Health Conditions

I have a unique approach to medicine called Biological Medicine. It is based on the understanding that our bodies are these dynamic systems that are constantly breaking down and building back up. There are regulatory systems in every organ of your body that control these [...]

Our Unique Approach to ALL Health Conditions2018-03-14T10:19:11+00:00
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