
Causes of Arthritis and Our Approach

One in six Canadians are currently suffering from arthritis with a high proportion of them experiencing moderate to severe pain.  Many people are told that this is a degenerative condition where our only option is to manage the symptoms.  Conventional treatments for arthritis such as [...]

Causes of Arthritis and Our Approach2018-03-14T09:31:38+00:00

FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Do not eat later than 7pm. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Exercise daily. Soothing routine 1hr before bed.  Turn off technology, hot bath, calming tea, read a book. Sleep in a cold, dark, quiet environment – think of a cave. [...]

FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality2018-03-14T09:31:45+00:00

FIVE Reasons Probiotics are Important

Our body’s digestive tracts houses about 100 trillion bacteria, that is more than 10 times the number of cells that we have in our entire body. Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria that line your digestive tract. The type and quantity of these micro-organisms in [...]

FIVE Reasons Probiotics are Important2018-05-08T17:28:35+00:00

How Stressed are you?

How stressed are you? How well does your body adapt to stress? Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a non-invasive technology that can be used to provide important information about overall health, stress levels and our body’s ability to adapt to stress. We do this by [...]

How Stressed are you?2018-03-14T09:31:53+00:00

FIVE Ways to Address Constipation

Definition of constipation: We are not moving our bowels daily. Tendency to constipation: We are not moving large quantities of stools daily and full emptying our colon OR our bowel movements are small, hard nuggets or rabbit pellets. FIVE Ways to Address Constipation Increase water [...]

FIVE Ways to Address Constipation2018-03-14T09:31:59+00:00
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