Let’s talk about the connection between sluggish bile and difficulty with weight loss.

Bile becomes sluggish and thickened when:

  • Overloaded with fat-soluble toxins
  • Insufficient intake of specific nutrients that keep it thin and flowing
  • Increased blood sugar leads to thicker bile and gallstone formation
  • Insufficient hydrochloric acid (HCl)

When bile becomes thickened and less effective then unbound fat-soluble toxins are sent back into the blood. These excess toxins are stored in the adipose tissues as a protective mechanism when they cannot be safely eliminated through the bile and stools. This increases the size of adipose cells as these cells store more toxins and this can lead to weight gain. This can make it difficult to lose weight as the toxic load within the adipose cells will not be released until it is safe to do so, which means that the liver and digestive tract are able to handle a higher toxic load then the stored toxins will be released for the body to process.

One challenge is when a person is doing intense exercise and diet changes, their body will not release the toxins locked up in the fat tissue until it is safe to do so.

On the other hand, rapid weight loss can lead to health problems when stored toxins are released into circulation and there is not an effective system in place to bind the toxins and pull them out of circulation and out of the body.