The nervous system is an extremely important system of the body. It controls every system of the body, including our brain. Imbalances in this system can be memory issues, brain fog, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They are things we can be exploring and doing to improve our neurological function.
- Heavy metal toxicity. Heavy metals have an affinity for the nervous system and are neurotoxins, meaning that they breakdown cells of the nervous system.
- Chronic Inflammation. This is like a fire in our system. It changes the focus of our body to putting out the fire and not assisting neurological function. The source of the inflammation can be food intolerances, toxins, infections, imbalances in our microbiome.
- Lymphatic Congestion. There is a direct connection between the lymphatic system and the brain. Therefore, if the lymphatic system is congested and not effectively moving then it can be affecting proper brain function.
- Imbalanced Microbiome. There is a huge connection between gut and brain function. Within the lining of the digestive tract our body manufacturers neurotransmitters, therefore if we support gut function, then we support the manufacturing of the neurotransmitters and hence support neurological function.
- Problems with Fat Metabolism. Our nervous system is made up primarily of fats. We need to be taking in enough fats to support proper nervous system function. It’s also our body’s ability to absorb those fats. Therefore, if our fat metabolism is off then this can be affecting the proper function of our nervous system.
- Structural Imbalances. If we are structurally out of balance, if we have impingements on our nervous system then this can affect how well our nervous system functions.
These are some things we need to think about to support proper neurological function.