SIX Reasons why Sleep in Important
- Sleep is one of the foundations of health. It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body.
- During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification.
- Getting enough, quality sleep is important for improving energy levels, recharging the brain, regulating circadian rhythms.
- Boosting the immune system and balancing hormones
- Allowing the cells to repair themselves.
- Predictor of long-term health. There are many studies that demonstrate sleep quality and duration as predictors of long-term health. Not getting enough quality sleep disrupts our normal biology. Even if you think you can function on less than 7 hours of sleep, your body becomes more susceptible to chronic disease including heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, memory decline, chronic pain and autoimmune issues.
Taking prescription sleep medications will help you sleep but it will not be quality sleep that gets you into the healing phases of sleep, hence it has a negative impact on your sleep quality and is not the solution for better sleep.