My Heavy Metal Toxicity Story
Within my practice I frequently suspect heavy metals as a problem and run heavy metal tests on my patients. I am always astonished to see the high levels of heavy metals in patients and it usually helps to explain why their bodies just are not functioning optimally.
Since I am seeing such high levels in so many patients, I began to wonder about my own heavy metal levels.
Was it possible that I was also walking around with a high level of metals in my body. So I ran the heavy metal test on myself.
When I did the test, I felt a little “off”, a bit lightheaded and off balanced. Maybe I was pulling out metals, but how much…
And lo and behold, I have very high levels of heavy metals in my body, especially mercury. I have NEVER had a mercury filling (the most common source of mercury toxicity), but my parents both had their mouth’s filled with metal. So it is definitely possible that I got some in-utero. I was also fully vaccinated and there’s mercury in those vaccines. I eat lots of fish and sushi, another possible source.
I’m not completely sure where the high amounts of Thallium came from but I know all metals accumulate over a lifetime, so it’s not terribly surprising.
When I look at videos such as this one from the University of Calgary on mercury toxicity (, I really want to get rid of these metals are quickly as possible.
I am grateful I found out now because this means I can do something about it. I have now put myself on a chelation program. Thus continues my healing journey.