Low iodine can lead to thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cancer (including breast and prostate).

FIVE Reasons for the Increase in Low Iodine Levels

  1. Our soils are mineral deficient. Crops grown in iodine-deficient soil will be deficient in iodine.
  2. People on low-sodium diets. Even though iodized salt is poorly absorbed and not an ideal source of iodine, sometimes that is a person’s only source of iodine in the diet.
  3. Diets high in the consumption of baked goods that contain bromine. Bromine is a halogen that competes with iodine for absorption and receptor binding sites.
  4. Drinking water with perchlorate. Perchlorate is one atom of chlorine and four atoms of oxygen. Often found in our drinking what. Chlorine is a halogen which can displace iodine in the body. Fluoride is the drinking water or exposure through dentistry also would have similar problems as fluoride is also a halogen.
  5. Diets low in ocean fish or sea vegetables. Best dietary source of iodine.