Age related changes in the arteries are implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease. These changes promote arterial stiffening which contributes to hypertension. At the same time, age-related changes also make it easier for fatty deposits to build up on the inside of arteries. In some people these changes occur at an accelerated rate and in others, they occur much more slowly. Epidemiological studies have consistently shown that people with the greatest amount of arterial stiffening and thickening are at the highest risk for cardiovascular disease.
The Digital Pulsewave Analyzer (DPA) provides information on arterial wall stiffness and estimates biological age of arteries. The Digital Pulsewave Analysis provides an assessment of how the walls of the arteries expand and relax when the heart beats and the blood travels through the arteries.
The DPA is an FDA approved device used to measure and analyze pulse waveforms and heart rate. It provides information regarding changes in arterial blood volume and vascular resistance by way of a non-invasive, infrared light fingertip probe.
The measurement probe consists of a light-emitting diode (infrared LED) and a photodiode placed on opposite sides of a light receiver placed on the fingertip.