FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

Do not eat later than 7pm. Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Exercise daily. Soothing routine 1hr before bed.  Turn off technology, hot bath, calming tea, read a book. Sleep in a cold, dark, quiet environment – think of a cave. [...]

FIVE Ways to Improve Sleep Quality2018-03-14T09:31:45+00:00

FOUR Signs of Ideal Sleep

Going to sleep between 10pm and midnight.  Closer to 10pm the better. Nervous system recharges between 10 and 12. You can fall asleep easily. You sleep solidly without waking up in the night for 7-9hrs. You feel rested when you wake up in the [...]

FOUR Signs of Ideal Sleep2018-03-14T09:32:04+00:00
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