The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection

Heavy metals have a symbiotic relationship with candida. Heavy metals bind to candida as a protective mechanism to bring heavy metals out of circulation. Therefore if you are struggling with fungal overgrowths, the root cause may be heavy metal toxicity. [...]

The Heavy Metal – Fungal Infection Connection2018-08-27T02:42:20+00:00

Heavy Metal Toxicity as a Protective Mechanism

Heavy metals accumulate in the body over a lifetime. Believe it or not, heavy metal accumulating in our tissues is actually a protective mechanism. Heavy metals enter the body, if the amounts are too high then it is a poison within the body, so [...]

Heavy Metal Toxicity as a Protective Mechanism2018-07-23T03:36:47+00:00

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals

One major stressor on the body can be heavy metals. In our modern world, our environment, food, and water regularly expose us to these toxic metals which, over time, accumulate in our bodies and negatively impact normal cellular function. Heavy metal toxicity is an [...]

SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals2018-06-18T04:16:47+00:00

Heavy Metal Exposure

When plants are grown in nutrient depleted soils, which most of our soils are now, they actually absorb toxic metals more easily, therefore we are taking heavy metals in through our food. We are exposed to mercury through silver amalgam fillings that contain 30-50% [...]

Heavy Metal Exposure2018-06-17T03:37:21+00:00

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

Do you have cold hands and cold feet? Do you have difficulty losing weight? Do you experience constipation? Do you have dry skin or brittle nails? If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, your thyroid may be out of balance. The thyroid is [...]

FIVE Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction2018-03-13T17:45:26+00:00

FOUR Benefits of Infrared Sauna

This sauna is different from a conventional sauna which provides ambient heat and only heats the air, this sauna provides radiant heat which warms the object directly, which is your body.  This provides deep, penetrating heat, pulling toxins from subcutaneous fat storage directly into the [...]

FOUR Benefits of Infrared Sauna2018-03-14T07:39:45+00:00

SIX Surprising Contributing Factors to Neurological Dysfunction

The nervous system is an extremely important system of the body. It controls every system of the body, including our brain. Imbalances in this system can be memory issues, brain fog, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They are things we can be [...]

SIX Surprising Contributing Factors to Neurological Dysfunction2018-03-14T09:42:57+00:00

THREE Problems with Margarine

Margarine is a man-made food. It is made from vegetable oils that are then infused with hydrogen gas which changes the oil from a liquid to a solid, this changes the composition of the fats from unsaturated fat to saturated fat, due to the [...]

THREE Problems with Margarine2018-03-14T09:43:18+00:00

What’s Wrong with Heavy Metals?

Heavy metal toxicity is a real issue and I think it really needs some light shone on it. We are exposed to heavy metals in our foods, our environment, our water supply, personal care products, cosmetics, vaccinations but probably the worst culprit is through our [...]

What’s Wrong with Heavy Metals?2018-03-14T10:08:02+00:00
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