THREE Reasons to Delay Peanut Introduction

Over the last 20 years, we have seen a huge increase in the number of anaphylactic allergies to peanuts. It’s really scary how many kids are suffering from that life-threatening allergy. I know some of the recent research is saying that we should be introducing [...]

THREE Reasons to Delay Peanut Introduction2018-03-14T09:08:42+00:00

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine

I often get asked “why I became an Naturopathic Doctor”, so here’s my answer. I had a few different influences that led me to this path. One major influence was my personal experience with naturopathic medicine. As a child I had lots of allergies and [...]

Dr. Roberts’ Journey to Naturopathic Medicine2018-03-14T09:08:45+00:00

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important

We are made up of 70% water.  Therefore it is vitally important that we are drinking water all day, everyday, to replenish our body with fresh, clean water.  Water plays a key role in digestion, cellular metabolism, detoxifying and alkalinizing the body. Many people have [...]

EIGHT Reasons Drinking Water is Important2018-03-14T09:08:49+00:00

SIX Ways to Improve our Microbiome

Our microbiome is really the key to optimal health and the foundation to healing any ailment. In order to improve our microbiome, we need to stop killing off colonies of the healthy microflora and disrupting the balance of bacteria and fungi that live in our [...]

SIX Ways to Improve our Microbiome2018-03-14T07:40:06+00:00

FIVE Possible Blocks to Good Sleep

Sleep is one of the foundations of health.  It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body.  During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification and repairing of cells. Getting enough, quality sleep [...]

FIVE Possible Blocks to Good Sleep2018-03-14T09:22:14+00:00

TWO Problems with Microwaving Food

The first domestic microwave oven came onto the market in the 1950s.  It was sold as a quick and easy way to defrost or heat up food.  It is now a common household kitchen appliance is most homes in the western world.  Unfortunately, no reliable [...]

TWO Problems with Microwaving Food2018-03-14T09:22:19+00:00

FOUR Benefits of Grass-fed Meats

When cows eat food their bodies were designed to eat which is grass not grains, they have proper gut flora and can absorb the proper nutrients and minerals. This helps to make grass-fed meats a healthier option to grain-fed meats. Here are other advantages to [...]

FOUR Benefits of Grass-fed Meats2018-03-14T09:22:28+00:00

SIX Ways to Treat Arthritis

Avoid Nightshade vegetables: White potatoes Tomato all Peppers except black pepper Eggplant Tobacco There is a certain people who are sensitive to nightshade vegetables.  For these individuals, avoiding nightshade vegetables greatly improves their arthritic pain.  For individuals with arthritis I suggest avoiding the nightshade vegetables [...]

SIX Ways to Treat Arthritis2018-03-14T09:22:32+00:00

FIVE Tips for People with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, whereby the immune system reacts against gluten and causes damage to the villi of the digestive tract, specifically the small intestines. This affects proper absorption of nutrients, which can lead to a host of other health problems. Approximately 1 [...]

FIVE Tips for People with Celiac Disease2018-03-14T09:22:38+00:00

Darkfield Microscopy

This is a test that allows us to take a look at your body’s “internal environment”.  In order for your cells to be healthy, they need a healthy environment to live in.  The analogy I use is that in order to grow a flower, it [...]

Darkfield Microscopy2018-03-14T09:22:43+00:00
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