Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)

We have an assessment test at our clinic that is the technologically advanced Whole-Body Regulation Thermography, the AlfaSight 9000. It is a functional test based on thermoregulation, neuroscience and the autonomic response that measures the regulation capacity of organs, tissues and glands. It has a high degree [...]

Whole-Body Regulation Thermography (AlfaSight 9000)2018-03-14T09:08:29+00:00

SIX Reasons Sleep is Important for our Health

SIX Reasons why Sleep in Important Sleep is one of the foundations of health.  It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body. During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification. Getting enough, [...]

SIX Reasons Sleep is Important for our Health2018-03-14T09:08:55+00:00

SIX Ways to Treat Arthritis

Avoid Nightshade vegetables: White potatoes Tomato all Peppers except black pepper Eggplant Tobacco There is a certain people who are sensitive to nightshade vegetables.  For these individuals, avoiding nightshade vegetables greatly improves their arthritic pain.  For individuals with arthritis I suggest avoiding the nightshade vegetables [...]

SIX Ways to Treat Arthritis2018-03-14T09:22:32+00:00

FIVE Tips for People with Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, whereby the immune system reacts against gluten and causes damage to the villi of the digestive tract, specifically the small intestines. This affects proper absorption of nutrients, which can lead to a host of other health problems. Approximately 1 [...]

FIVE Tips for People with Celiac Disease2018-03-14T09:22:38+00:00

SIX Surprising Contributing Factors to Neurological Dysfunction

The nervous system is an extremely important system of the body. It controls every system of the body, including our brain. Imbalances in this system can be memory issues, brain fog, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS). They are things we can be [...]

SIX Surprising Contributing Factors to Neurological Dysfunction2018-03-14T09:42:57+00:00

THREE Step Approach to Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease is becoming an all too common problem in our Western world.  Autoimmune conditions covers a number of ailments including rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, celiac disease, thyroid disease, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Autoimmune disease means that the body is having a [...]

THREE Step Approach to Autoimmune Disease2018-03-14T09:43:21+00:00
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