Problems with Conventional Approach to Osteoporosis
The problem with estrogen therapy and anti-osteoporosis drugs is that negates the mechanisms of bone remodelling. Estrogen can slow down the progression of osteoporosis but cannot cause new bone growth. Estrogen and anti-osteoporosis drugs inhibits the important process of breaking down old and damaged [...]
SIX Disruptive Effects of Heavy Metals
One major stressor on the body can be heavy metals. In our modern world, our environment, food, and water regularly expose us to these toxic metals which, over time, accumulate in our bodies and negatively impact normal cellular function. Heavy metal toxicity is an [...]
Heavy Metal Exposure
When plants are grown in nutrient depleted soils, which most of our soils are now, they actually absorb toxic metals more easily, therefore we are taking heavy metals in through our food. We are exposed to mercury through silver amalgam fillings that contain 30-50% [...]
THREE Ways We Use Supplements Differently
As Biological Medicine Doctors, we use supplements very differently than most practitioners. It is a very different way of looking at the body than conventional medicine looks at the body and even the way that many alternative practitioners treat patients. We do NOT use [...]
SEVEN Layer Stool Chart
Layer 1: Separate large lumps, like nuts (hard to pass); also know as goat faeces Layer 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy Layer 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface Layer 4: Like a sausage or snake, smooth and soft Layer 5: Soft [...]
Request for Blog Ideas
We need your help! Whether you are new to following me or having been following me for a long time, what you may realize is that we do weekly video blogs for our audience. We do weekly blogs on answering patient questions, on providing [...]