Any symptoms that the body exhibits are signs that your body is out of balance. We need to listen to our bodies and find out what it is trying to tell us. As Naturopathic Doctors, our goal is to uncover underlying causes of imbalances that are happening in your body.

Here are FIVE insights to uncovering the underlying cause:

  1. Energy. Your energy gives us insight into how efficiently your body is functioning. We need to know what your energy is on a scale of zero to ten, ten being the highest when you at your best.
  1. Sleep. It is vital for our survival and plays a key role in every function of our body. During your sleeping hours your body does a lot of its detoxification and repairing of cells. Getting enough, quality sleep is important for improving energy levels, recharging the brain, boosting the immune system, balancing hormones, stabilizing weight, regulating circadian rhythms and allowing the cells to repair themselves. We need to know if you are having difficulty falling asleep, if you wake up in the night, if you feel rested in the mornings, do you take sleeping pills, how many hours are you sleeping. This gives us insight into the quality of your sleep.
  1. Bowel movements. Bowel movements give us a lot of insight into what is going on internally, how your digestive tract in functioning and where imbalances are in your body. Therefore, it is really important for us to know how often you have bowel movements and what your stools look like.
  1. Menses. Your menses give us insight into your hormonal balance. We need to know if your periods are regular, how many days of flow do you have, do you experience any symptoms with your menses such as bloating, cramps, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding, clots. We need to know if you are taking an medication that would manipulate your natural hormone balance such as the birth control pill, hormone replacement or a IUD that releases hormones.
  1. Stress. We all have stress in our lives to some degree, it is a matter of how we handle that stress. We want to know what are the biggest stressors in your life, do you feel overwhelmed or feel like you have control over your stress. This gives us insight into your lifestyle, your stress management techniques and how your physiology copes with stress.

At Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre our doctors are trained to discover the imbalances in the body and treat the underlying causes. It is only by addressing the underlying cause that true healing can occur.