Acid Blocking Medications are the most commonly prescribed medication in North America.  These medications are used to treat acid reflux, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and heartburn.  Most patients have been put on these medications as a long term solution.

  1. We need stomach acids to properly digest food and absorb nutrients.

The problem with taking these acid blocking medications is that you need stomach acids to properly digest your food and absorb nutrients.  Therefore long term use of these medications can lead to poor metabolism, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and increased risks of chronic disease processes including digestive problems.

  1. We need stomach acids to kill off infectious agents

We also need stomach acids to kill off infectious agents that should not be allowed to enter our bodies.  Therefore when we take acid blocking medications we are allowing potential microbes to enter into our digestive tracts, which can wreck havoc on our microflora in the gut and potentially lead to a number of other associated problems.

  1. It addresses the symptoms but does not address the cause, therefore not a long-term solution.

We need to explore root causes of the problem to get long-term, sustainable results that truly support the health of the body.