THREE FREE BONUSES with the purchase of “Building a Healthy Child”
- One-page easy reference FOOD INTRODUCTION PLAN. This makes it easy to reference the foods to eat and at which time to introduce them.
- FEVER GUIDE. Dr. Roberts has developed a guide which helps parents to know when you should seek medical assistance and when you should comfort and support your child through the fever.
- EASY HOMEMADE RECIPE. It just has 4 ingredients and it’s worked well for many of our little patients.
Building a Healthy Child
Food Introduction Nutritional Program-A Parent’s Guide to Foundational Childhood Nutrition for Lifelong Health
Dr. Melina Roberts is a Naturopathic Doctor, Author of Building a Healthy Child and Clinic Director and Founder of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre.
Have you ever wondered if you could prevent allergies or other childhood illnesses in your child? Have you ever wondering if it was possible to build long-term health in your child, so they could avoid chronic disease as adults?
Well, Dr. Roberts wondered those same things.
When she was a kid she had bad allergies and wondered if it was possible to avoid all that for her child. As a parent, we want to do everything in our power to take good care of our children.
So Dr. Roberts started researching and discovered three major concepts that would influence food introduction that was completely different than all the other ones on the market. No one else had put this all together to create a plan that will prevent childhood illnesses and build long-term health.
Dr. Roberts has developed a revolutionary food introduction program that:
- Supports proper growth and development
- Prevents childhood illnesses
- Build long-term health
The standard food introduction programs recommend introducing cereals as a first food and though this may seem like an easy first food to digest, it can actually initiate a cycle of health problems.
This program is different than any other program out there because it takes into consideration 3 major concepts which are ignored in all other standard food introduction programs. These 3 major concepts are:
- Building a healthy, diverse microbiome in the digestive tract
- Organs and body systems mature at different times, which means nutrition needs are different at varying ages
- We are hardwired to digest real, nutrient dense, in their natural form foods, not process, chemically-laden, altered food
This book includes:
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Six Problem Foods
- Detailed Food Introduction Program of solid foods to infants and toddlers
- Guide to Prevent Allergies
- Supplements and Remedies
- Understand Toxins and How to Avoid Them
- Recipes for each Stage of Development
- Preconception Preparation
- What to eat and supplements to take in Pregnancy
- Things to think about in terms of vaccinations
This is your opportunity to empower yourself with knowledge and give your child the health advantage in life.
Dr. Roberts’ book Building a Healthy Child gives parents a reference that enables them right from the beginning of their child’s life to ensure that the proper natural foundation for long term health is established. Dr. Roberts’ passion and expertise in Biological Medicine and the wellbeing of all children is visible on every page.
Books like this didn’t exist when I was raising my children and I sure wish they had. This easy to read and extremely informative guidebook to raising a healthy child is a MUST READ for any parent or parent-to-be. Our futures depend on the next generation and this book will make sure it is a healthy generation,
New moms are busy and our baby’s health is our top priority. Dr. Melina Roberts’ book combines science, experience and practical application in a quick and enjoyable read. This information will empower you to make the best dietary choices for your child – choices that will positively impact their health for years to come.
Dr. Melina Roberts’ book Building a Healthy Child is chock full of great, scientifically-sound
information. It is written in a clear and concise manner which makes it very easy-to-digest for any new parent. What if every parent knew about these guidelines and followed them from the beginning of their child’s life? This would mean much less childhood illness and eventual chronic disease in our population. True primary prevention and one of my fondest dreams come true!