Neera Super Cleanse


Neera Super CleanseOne of the cleanses that I frequently recommend for my patients is the Neera Super Cleanse.

What makes this cleanse unique and more effective is the natural tree syrup that is used.  The mixture of the natural tree syrups makes a concoction that is rich in minerals and able to support the organs of detoxification.

Neera Cleanse uses a syrup called Madal Bal Syrup which is a mixture of grade C Canadian maple syrup and palm syrup.  Madal Bal Syrup uses sap from selected trees growing in natural, chemical-free conditions. It requires 40-50 gallons of sweet sap to obtain one gallon of grade C syrup, which is the darkest and richest grade of maple syrup. Neera or palm syrup has been used for thousands of years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.  The palm syrup is harvested from tree’s flowering fruit stem.

The mixture of the syrups in Madal Bal Syrup is designed to precisely balance a rich mixture of essential minerals.  Maple syrup is rich in manganese and zinc while Neera syrup contains large quantities of potassium and calcium.  When mixed in the correct proportions we get a unique natural tree syrup with ideal mineral ratios.

The main objective of the Neera Super Cleanse is to cleanse the various organs of the body and to dissolve and eliminate accumulated waste materials.

You replace all solid foods with the Neera Drink which is a mixture of Madal Bal Syrup, freshly squeezed lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water.  It gives you energy you need and it stimulates the body’s natural cleansing process.  It rests the digestive tract while having all the nutrients to support the organs of detoxification.